Friday, November 27, 2015
Aretha Franklin - Respect [1967] (Original Version)
I've always loved Aretha Franklin....This is very cool. Jan
Giving Lotsa SASS Tonight at THE STONEGATE....Dance Off All That Turkey Tonight
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Steve and Shelly/see photo credits |
Why don't you join me? We can moan together. Or, if you behaved yourself Yeah.. Be my guest, there's a dance floor right in front of the stage....but, don't be too 'bouncy'....makes me kinda dizzy today. O.K?
Now, let me tell ta alittle bit 'bout the BLUZZZ Queen of the known Universe...Ms SHELLY ELY, well, she'll be on 'lead' vocals. She's pretty 'sassy' watch out, anything might's always a surprise! One thing ain't a surprise though...her powerful blues voice, time and time again, over and over we can all count on that....everytime, with every tune. I'm posting a sample below. O.K?. Next, there's STEVE MERRIAM....singer/song writer/guitar guy...WOW's what I'll say....except don't wanna miss him, yep DEBI LAWERENCE will be there and taking photos. ANDRE THOMAS/drums is off tonight....resting, and MATT WILLIAMS/drums is filling in fpr Andre. Loretta, Matt's wife will be there. Then, there's my hubby, STEVE BARTLETT ON BASS/vocals too. There's lotsa singing and harmonies in this it. Heck, even Deb and I were singing [in Shell's kitchen, mind youl, but singing] during rehearsal this week.
THE STONEGATE has really good, come early for a bite to eat, before the show that starts at 9. I may pass tonight....BUT,the wonderful smells may get to me....and, I 'll order something wonderful.
The Club is easy to get into and has big bathrooms too , just incase you have your own wheels on you. Address: 5419 South Tacoma Way in Tacoma, WA. of course.
I'm posting a video by MERRI PETERSON SUTTON,taken at Uncle Thurm's Soul Food last summer, of the group. Used by permission...thanks Merri.
MORE PHOTO CREDITS? the photo of my Steve and Shelly I got off the SASS event page on Facebook that was posted on my wall. Thanks Debi Lawrence. Jan
This video is by Merri Peterson Sutton. See link above....
Steve and I are going over some tunes.
1.] RESPECT, by Aretha Franklin, by TatanBrown
2.] HOLD ON I;M COMING, bt BB King, Eric Clapton, byFree Lipe
3.] ALL WENT DOWN THE DRAIN, by Boz Scaggs, bt mlmlmloc69
4.] SITTING AT THE DOCK OF THE BAY, bt Otis Redding, by AmericanAirlinesRule
5.] BETCHA GOTTA CHICK ON THE SIDE, by Pointer Sisters, by formicri
6.\\ NEVER MAKE YOUR MOVE TOO,SOON, byBB King, byBackToConstitution
7.] TOUGHTEN UP, by Lloyd Jones, by hotfunkcooljazz .
8/] OH PRETTY WOMAN, by Gary Moore, by danielowski
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
We're Not Turkeys....SASS Rehearsal Tonight....At STONEGATE Friday and Saturday....Cool
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used with permission/see photo credits |
Well, what's that Jan? I can hear you say..Well folks I really don't know...the exact tunes, that'll be gone over tonight...BUT, kinda .BLUZZZ-Y, JAZZ-Y, FUNK-Y, ROCK-Y very cool tunes, you know.....I'm just sure of that much.
Anyway, today we work up we're ready.....just in case. I love it.... warm pop corn ready, cold sodas, headphones on [both of us].....I find tunes online, bring them up for Steve....and, amazing he listens once or twice and then plays them....What?? Prooving [spell?] once again that all musicians are just plain geniuses. We get silly never know where those headphones will end up..... once again that all musicians are geniuses.SMILE..
The BLUZZZ Queen of the known universe...SHELLY ELY does those powerful BLUZZZ vocals for SASS....and gives most of the spice or sass for the group. STEVE MERRIAM theirsong writer guy is on guitar/vocals, ANDRE THOMAS/drums is resting, MATT/drums will be filling in this Friday and Saturday, STEVE BARTLETT will be on bass/vocals. The next cool gigs are this Friday and Saturday nights, November 27th and 28th at THE Tacoma, WA. Address...5419 So. Tacoma Way.. Music starts at 9 pm. I'll be there GOOD food, come early and chow down before the music. O.K?. Jan
PHOTO CREDIT: SASS Image and photo used with permission by STEVE MERRIAM. The photo of SASS was taken by MERRI PETERSON SUTTON, fall of 2014 in Tacoma, WA. Jan
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SASS used with permission |
I'm posting some cool tunes....that 'I' like,....some maybe done by the band, some may not but, are so darn cool, I just just couldn't pass them up. Jan
1.] ANGEL FROM MONTGOMERY, by Susan Trdrschi, by Mariam Abrahamyan
2.] TROUBLE MAN, by Marvin Gaye, by #MarvinGaye
3.] KEYS TO THE HIGHWAY, by Eric Clapman, by zosozeppelin87
4.] MOVE IT ON OVER, by George Thorogood, by Mental Records
5.] HOLD ON I'M COMING, by BB King, Eric Clapton, by Free Lipe
6.] BREAKING UP A HOME, by Bette Midler, by BETonBETTE....needs both versions
7.] BREAKING UP A HOME, by Etta James, by pauljwlr needed to listen to both versions....
Monday, November 23, 2015
Jamming Tunes Working Up Stuff for Tonight
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Bartlett, Christensen by J.A.Rose-Bartlett cc |
Come down and join'll be fun. KEVIN CHRISTENSEN/drums will be there, DENNY FOREMAN/jazz guitar and....I'll be there too. Jan
Links of tunes Steve's gone over.
1.] AIN'T NO WOMAN LIKE THE ONE I GOT, by The Four Tops, by KnightInWhite
2.] LET'S STAY TOGETHER, by Al Green, by maoriSHooRTiie
3.]....we gotta's late...I'll finish tomorrow.
O.K. folks I'm's Wednesday already..WOW...How time flys...I'll add tunes below. Jan
1.] BABY, BABY, BABY ALL THE TIME, by Diana Krall, byrobotocho
2.] CARAVAN, by Duke Ellington, by Roger rogerjazzfan
3.] EUROPA, by Santana, by Azahar Sevilla ....thanks Joe Plemmons for coming in. Jan
4.] TAKE THE A TRAIN, by Duke Ellington, by FredCDobbs00
Sunday, November 22, 2015
WEIRD Born To Jam LESLIE Does It Right for Christmas With Gem Sweaters
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Leslie in Pink by Leslie Hall/see link |
First off...let me say...Leslie is amazing. A few years ago when I checked in on her she was busy touring with her band in Australia...Australia?...and had gigs booked all over he U.S....What?
She's one of a kind stage performer with her own original music, has said that 'she's born to jam.'...and, she does it all, writes music, sings dances?[ I use that word loosely], creates videos and clothing [see her Leslie in Pink of her own creations]. She owns a museum [of sorts]...and, if she can do it, well, what are WE waiting for?...Anyway?
But, today's visit to her site was for another cool purpius [spell?]...It's CHRISTMAS TIME. what a better way to celebrate the Holidays, than to make a gift 'they' won't easily know a Gem Sweater, or streatchy pants like Leslies.
I found a cool video just in time for the Holiday WITH easy instruction for Gem Sweaters....the perfect Christmas gift! With the Streatchy pants you're on you own. If I find instructions for streatchy pants I'll post it O.K? Just trying to help, Jan
More of MY stories on Leslie Hall...go HERE, and HERE
Here's that video....making your own Gem Sweater.
Thursday, November 19, 2015
WOW...Private Gig ....What A Way To Party
see photo credit below |
Steve went to his music buddie...PAT
COLE/guitar/vocals lasr night for a rehearsal. What fun and they're ready for this Saturday.
This is the second year Pat and Steve have done this party...I had a great time....but, it's late have a SASS rehearsal to be, I'll havta finish this tomorrow and put some music videos up too. Jan
O.K., I know, I's Sunday.....this gig was yesterday....So,....let me give you a report about how the gig went...yeah, that'll work...softer as if talking to myself.... [pause......feeling pretty darn clever.]. Of course Jan.
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Bartlett by J.A.Rose- bartlett cc |
First,, were the community announcements [spell?]....then, brought me a big plate full for me and one for himself....we shared,....I'm 'tasting' goodies off his plate, and he it polite to say? you know, gulp and devour quickly...smacking our lips loudly and using our sleves as napkins?...-[.burp].... Well,...then.....I didn't say it.....O.K? [ just a little reminder that spelling maybe creative in all my posts AND, start at any time...maybe. Jan], for the was awesome. JIM VALLEY, one of the original member of that cool '60s , '70s band...PAUL REVERE AND THE RAIDERS was there again this year. He sang several old favorites , I loved it. Besides singing, he played guitar and the keys too. All of the musicians were excellant players...the large dance floor full of families, people having fun. children were excited....jumping up and down with each beat....the place was full.
Another food break....pies...with whip cream....WOW.
More great music...AND, we got home 'bout 1? Fell asleep quickly with a big smile on my face. Alwats reporting the good stuff....Jan
pictures and video links below.....
PHOTO CREDIT: from Wikipedia cc....go HERE
1.] LOUIE, LOUIE, by Paul Revere And The Raiders, by rwells47
2.] STEPPIN' OUT, by Paul Revere And The Raiders, by rwells47
3.] BABY, PLEASE DON'T GO, by Paul Revere And The Raiders, by colbuckshot\\\
4.] INDIAN RESERVATION, by Paul Revere And The Raiders, by Your Music Jukebox - The 70's
Now more tunes from last night below...
1.[ BROWN SUGAR, by The Rolling Stones, by Marco White
2.] YOU MAY BE RIGHT,bt Billy Joel, by clj29360
3] HONKY TONK WOMAN,,by Rolling Stones, by BubbaModee
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Walter's Birthday "Going Fishing" featuring Steve Bartlett
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photo by Mary Jo Tryholm |
Jim Breuer - ACDC Hokey Pokey HQ
I found this in FACEBOOK ....AND, I wanted to share. I;ve been joking with KEVIN CHTISTEBSEN/drums....and...vocals...O.K., I said it...Kevy can sing Yep, it surprised us all.
Well, where was I, anyway?,,,,Kevy surprised us all when he took that mic and sang a song!
Before he had surprised us all...I'd always joked that 'I' [Jan] would get on stage on a jam night and sing 'THE HOKEY-POKEY', thinking no one would ever DO that song.
Well, I was wrong...JIM BREUER and HERE, does a great job. Just listen and laugh with me. Jan
hokey pokey jim breuer,
kevin christensen
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Name That Tune?...or 'Ah'..'Ah'..Jamming Set a Glance Right Here
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jamming BARTLETT by J.Rose-Bartlett cc |
So, here's some ideas for jamming and don't wanna ...'ah'...'ah' ....forget when you;re on stage, do ya?
Steve does all types of, here's all kinds of video links...
SO, If you're jamming with my BARTLETT, he knows these tunes if you need to call them..... Jan
1.] BROADWAY, by George Benson, by DJ Buddy Love - Cool Jazz
2.] ALL WENT DOWN THE DRAIN by Boz Scaggs, by mlmlmloc69
3.] GOIN' FISHING, by Duke Ellington, done by Doctor John, by im4out again
4.] GOIN FISHIN' by Duke Ellington, done by Steve Bartlett W/Walter;s Birthday, thank you Liquid Soul. and Martin/Barb Salinas for making this available. Jan
4.] AIN'T NO SUNSHINE, by Bill Withers, by fnordius
5.] KANSAS CITY, by Wilbert Hassison, by AK47bandit
6.] THE CHICKEN, by Jaco Pastorius, by Will Trigg
7.] CHAMELEON, by Herbie Handcock, ny FraKctured
Now, Steve's working up theses below for Upcoming gigs......and stuff bt Marcia Ball and Patsy Cline.
1.] KEYS TO THE HIGHWAY, by Eric Clapton, by zosozeppelin87
2.] BLACK COFFEE, by Ella Fitzgerald, by Nuova Canaria Records
3.] NIGHT AND DAY, b Ella Fitzgerald, by uzomad
4.] BROWN SUGAR, by The Rolling Stones, by Marco White
6.] YOU MAY BE RIGHT,bt Billy Joel, by clj29360
7.] HONKY TONK WOMAN,,by Rolling Stones, by BubbaModee
8.] HOLD ON, I'M COMING, by BB King, Eric Clapton, by Free Lip
9.] MOVE IT ON OVER, by George Throgood, by iMental Records
MARCIA BALL BLUES, by SmithsonianFolklife
PATSY CLINE, by There's Nothing Like Lante
bartlett on bass,
steve bartlett
Friday, November 06, 2015
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings "100 Days, 100 Nights"
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see credits below |
Here's my last report about Ms, Jones with links.....Jan
Friday, October 11, 2013
SHARON JONES Performing With THE DAP-KINGS Again, After Cancer Surgery
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by Julio Enriquez cc |
Sharon Jones and the Dap-kings latest album is called 'Give The People What They Want', and they always do in my way of thinking, Jan. [pause,.... looking confused for just a wee moment BUT a Big Smile on my face...then recovering immediately] Oh yeah, where was I? The album will be released on January 14th states ROLLINGSTONE.COM....'Yeah.. You Go Girl, Love Ya', says me. [ of course, Jan].
Wanna hear the BLUZZZ Queen, SASS's Ms. SHELLY ELY do the tune above in the video.....WOW. Of course, with those SASS Guys. You know the very cool singer/song writer guy....STEVE MERRIAM/ guitar/vocals, ANDRE THOMAS/drums/vocals and my hubby guy....STEVE BARTLETT ON BASS/yep, vocals too.
For Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings on Facebook....go HERE. Looks like they will be touring up and down the East coast next month....check dates on Facebook for the latest info, link above
Related video links below.....
1. ] I LEARNED THE HARD WAY, by Sharon Jones And The Dap-Kings, fromDaptoneRecords
2.] LET THEM KNOCK Live, by Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings, from DaptoneRecords·
3.] IT's A MAN's WORLD, written by James Brown, sung by Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings, from crazy4musicLive
4.] 100 DAYS, 100 NIGHTS, by Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings, fromDaptoneRecords
SASS News And JERRY MILLER....All in One Night?
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SASS imagw used with permission/see photo credits |
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Miller and Bartlett, by J.A.Rose-Bartlett cc` |
I'm doing this post while I'm in the car waiting for Steve...I'm on my, I have ta add photos, links and stuff when I get home. Jan UPDATED:11/06/15.
PHOTO CREDITS: Image by SASS [C], permission by STEVE MERRIAM.
Monday, November 02, 2015
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BARTLETT, by J/Rose-Bartlett cc |
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My Spelling?? Thanks For Understanding

Photo by by billsaturno cc click to link, A note 'bout my spelling... I'm typing as fast as I can with one finger on one hand, and trying to make sense and everything. I haveave to look at the keyboard, NOT the see where ALL those letters are, and my nect won't bend or turn...whoops, that's NECK, not 'nect'. Please, forgive me and give me a little 'LEE-way' [spell?]...Thanks, Jan SMILE
We Respect Others Rights, Jan and Steve
Please Note: Portions of this work contain the intellectual property of third party authors and contributors. As such, third party authors and contributors retain all copyrights in the individual works and reserve all rights not specifically granted herein
The Truth

Thanks Dick Metcalf, image by unknown cc
WHAT's HAPPENING? My Updated Event List. If unconfirmed gigs please call first. Jan
- HEATHER JONES..Monday Night Jam at DAWSONS
- JEFF WALLACE.With The Motors and Jerry Miller
- JERRY MILLER.. Uncle Sam's, Thursdays
- LINDA MYERS BAND..Wednesday Jam at Dawson's
- SASS....nothing this week
- STEVE BARTLETT..BARTLETT ON BASS Jazz Jam, July 18th, Monday night, 7 pm
- UNCLE SAMs....Bartlett On BASS jazz jam on Monday nights, 7 pm
We Respect Others Rights, Jan and Steve
Please Note: Portions of this work contain the intellectual property of third party authors and contributors. As such, third party authors and contributors retain all copyrights in the individual works and reserve all rights not specifically granted herein
Want Your Gig Info Published Here?

If you're a musician, band or club owner in my area, and want your live music event included on my BARTLETT ON BASS. Please send your gig info. at for review. I will review and post the very best gigs and live music events in the area. Thanks for reading BARTLETT ON BASS and supporting live music. ' T. Jan'...JA ROSE-BARTLETT.
Blog Archive
- Aretha Franklin - Respect [1967] (Original Version)
- Giving Lotsa SASS Tonight at THE STONEGATE....Danc...
- We're Not Turkeys....SASS Rehearsal Tonight....At ...
- Jamming Tunes Working Up Stuff for Tonight
- WEIRD Born To Jam LESLIE Does It Right for Christm...
- WOW...Private Gig ....What A Way To Party
- Walter's Birthday "Going Fishing" featuring Steve ...
- Jim Breuer - ACDC Hokey Pokey HQ
- Name That Tune?...or 'Ah'..'Ah'..Jamming Set List....
- Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings "100 Days, 100 Nights"
- SASS News And JERRY MILLER....All in One Night?
- BARTLETT At Jam Tonight at UNCLE SAMs
All Work..No Play?....Never...Jan

by tamakisono cc.

BY Pierre-Olivier CC
About me....T. Jan Rose
- T. Jan Rose , Web Manager
- Yelm, Washington, United States
- I [T. Jan] share and review web sites with music, recipes and gardening information. I have been a mother, wife, nurse, apartment manager, chimney sweep, long distance runner, musician, artist, organic gardener and, A student of the GREAT WORK at R.S.E. Jan does the computer, Steve plays the bass and doesn't speak computer....but Jan doesn't speak, this works out well for us...Jan writes about music news, and this area's music events. The postings are all mine., . We share ideas about posts. Jan loves to create beautiful blogs to share ideas and keep my brain active, recovering from M.S. and other things. Jan always operate the computer, ..AND, all posts signed by Steve are in his exact words, and All our Sites licensed under Creative Commons. T. Jan.... Steve says..." I love animals, gardening, kids, music, nature and fishing.. A student of R.S.E. Really like being in nature and living simply. Enjoy teaching electric bass. Enjoy our sites." Steve.