Tonight's the night for psrty-ing....ain't it? So,start 2016 right tonight.,,,with SASS at THE STONEGATE....O.K?
My Steve's working up some last minute extras right now.....'Smooth' by Santana/Rob first when 'Smooth' was put on the set list....and I'm the one getting the tunes up on the computer....I was confused...'Smooth? or 'Boombastic'?' Shaggy?...doesn't sound right for this gig somehow.
No, by Carlos
Tonight the whole SASS gang will be SHELLY ELY on major vocals....'cause she's the only GIRL ....onstage that is.....but, the pretty-ist girls are ALL at SASS gigs....come see for yourself.....then, there's the song writing guy...STEVE MERRIAM on guitar and vocals, ANDRE THOMAS keeps it all in the groove tonight on the drums.vocals. AND, my hubby STEVE BARTLETT is on that , funky bass with vocals thrown in.. WHERE is the Stonrgate? It's 5419 and 5421 South Tacoma Way in Tacoma, WA. Music begins at half pass 8.
ABIG bonus is the cool food at the STONEGATE....I won't miss that. Everything that I've eaten there ....was...well, yummy....nnd, I was delighted! I'll be there smiling and eating. Drop by and say....'Hi'. DEBI LAWRENCE will be taking photos. L might try....but, folks it's really hard to take them on my iPad....and, not the best....check out Debi's pictures. O.K? Happy New Year. Jan and Steve
I'm posting some 'Smooths' below...
1.] SMOOTH,by Carlos Santana/Rob Thomas, by
2.] SMOOTH or BEANBASTIC, by Shagg/Mr. Bean, by
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Sunday, December 27, 2015
It's hard for me to get a good photo....see? was dark and I was experiencing some temporary technical difficulties (spell?) I guess I'll call it...should change any minute though.
Last night at Dawson's, went well. SASS was right on the money....great, amazing BLUZZZ...Again. There were some special guest stars on stage and off for example, SHERYL CLARK/sax and GARY CROOKS/ I've gone and done it..I don't wanna miss anyone, do I? Remember those temporary technical things I was mentioning earlier?....well, know, COULD happen...I could miss someone very special AND, then I'd be in trouble, wouldn't I?
So, let me just say this...lots and lots (tons) of cool folks were there...too many for me to mention..someone else might wanna try, please be my guest, and help me out there. Over and out for now. Jan
Last night at Dawson's, went well. SASS was right on the money....great, amazing BLUZZZ...Again. There were some special guest stars on stage and off for example, SHERYL CLARK/sax and GARY CROOKS/ I've gone and done it..I don't wanna miss anyone, do I? Remember those temporary technical things I was mentioning earlier?....well, know, COULD happen...I could miss someone very special AND, then I'd be in trouble, wouldn't I?
So, let me just say this...lots and lots (tons) of cool folks were there...too many for me to mention..someone else might wanna try, please be my guest, and help me out there. Over and out for now. Jan
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SASS at Dawson's by J.Rose-Bartlett cc |
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Let's Party On....With SASS Celebrating is Never Over....Be There TONIGHT...8 pm..It's Happening at .DAWSONs
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SASS, used with permission/see photo credits |
I know, I know...I said this before....This post is just a reminder...'cause I've posted all this before alot! Cause, I know you don't wanna miss this gig.
So, let's just get right to the cool part...shall we?...Who's THE MUSICIANS that'll be at DAWSONs tonight anyway?...It's SASS, you know that really cool BLUZZZ band, lead by the BLUZZZ queen of our known Universe....Ms. SHELLY ELY, that's who....Boy, she can belt out a tune, can't she? AND, then....there's the amazing, you-don't wanna miss guitarist...who just keeps writing alotta really cool songs, and sings too!....that's STEVE MERRIAM, of course. Now in the groove's .drummer, ANDRE THOMAS on the skins tonight. Covering the bottom...the bass guy is my hubby, the one and only funky fat bottom bass extreme....STEVE BARTLETT/bass/vocal. Now there you have it....DEBI LAWRENCE's will be taking photos.....AND, I'll be smiling and eating too.
We're working up tunes as I write's gonna be a good gig.
Address of DAWSONs is 5443 South Tacoma Way, Tacoma, WA. Start time 8 pm. Jan
PHOTO CREDITS...This photo was taken in Tacoma by MERRI PETERSON SUTTON in fall of 1914. I got permission to post it by Steve Merriam, see SASS link.
Friday, December 25, 2015
Get the Groove On...SASS's Day After Christmas Day Party TOMORROW @ DAWSONs in Tacoma.....8 pm
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SASSs Shelly and Steve, photo by Mary Jo Tryholm |
So, that cool BLUZZZ, jazz, funk, rockish band, namely SASS is gonna do just that. Be at DAWSONs round 8 pm, and see, be ready to get some serious groove on. Bring your dance shoes too and show off your stuff on the big dance floor.
'I've already had too much partying this Christmas, Jan...please have some mercy on me' might say....Well, O.K. then....just sit and watch, like I'm gonna. Oh, I might tap my toe a few times and chewing on something with alotta calories.or...something .just as physically demanding.....fair enough? can's O.K.....go at your own speed, take it easy...Oh folks, that reminds me of a cool know....'I'm Built for Comfort, Not For Speed' by .Howlin Wolf [thanks gogoizamII]. Click above..
Who's who in this band anyway? Well, let's see...hum....there's SHELLY ELY doin her sassy stuff on the main mic...she's SASSs extreme vocalist....then, there's STEVE MERRIAM, who writes lottsa really cool tunes for SHELL etc., he plays the guitar and vocalizes too...'cause this group does harmonizing...alot! ANDRE THOMAS/drums keeps the heartbeat going and is that...'whatcha gonna do' guy....let me tell ya bout the bass....Funky Fat Bottom hubby STEVE BARTLETT's on bass/vocals too.
There you have it....the band. DEBI LAWRENCE/ doing some photos...Shelly says there'll be some surprise I believe her and. I like surprises, can't wait...See ya there. Jan
Oh yeah...I almost forgot...The address of DAWSONs is 5443 South Tacoma Way, in Tacoma, WA. Starts at 8 pm.
Below is Howlin Wolf doing Built For Comfort, Not For Speed...see link above.
andre Thomas,
bartlett on bass,
shelly ely,
steve bartlett,
steve Merriam
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Music News: SASS Day After Christmas Party @ DAWSONs...8 pm....Yeah!
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from Lawrence's event page/see photo credit |
Now, I know you've heard alotta Christmas carols lately....well, there won't be any of those...but,I hear a lottsa what I call BLUZZZ, and some jazz, funk, rockish kinda tunes [this band has their own sound....called..just plain cool.Jan] hear some sass too. Get ready to do some dancing on their dance floor.
Let me tell ya more 'bout this 'sass-y' band....O.K?
How'd this all begin?
SHELLY ELY/extreme vocal for SASS,s performed in a band called BIG NASTY with amazing JHO BLENI on/guitar forever..well, .she met him at the age of 11....and, as she says:' she's old!' Anyway, Jho died in May, Shell missed him, of course, and wanted put together another band. Her 'SASS Guys' met each other and they ended up being the cool song writer guy STEVE MERRIAM/guitar, always in the groove,.. ANDRE THOMAS/drums and my hubby...funky big bottom STEVE BARTLETT/bass. Mixing up the first letters of their names ,,,,,3 'S's and one 'A'.....SASS was formed....AND, a bonus was.....Shelly's sassy, let's say...'ah'... just normally. so, the name has fit..
See you on the 26th at DAWSONs...8 o'clock..wave and smile. Jan
PHOTO CREDIT: From Lawrence's event page. Image looks like by DAN HILL.
Thursday, December 17, 2015
CHRISTMAS Angel From Shell's Tonight....MERRY CHRISTMAS....SASS Rehearsal tonight
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by Jeff Call |
We're off.... having rehearsal and going to SASS's SHELLY ELY with her extreme vocals, house might be a winter wonderland by the time we return home....there's severe weather warnings ou onlinet for this area and a chance of 20 to 30 inches of snow tonight!....WOW....SASS's next gig....on the day after Christmas....the 26th at DAWSONs in Tacoma, coming fast. They'll be ready.
With more gigs coming up real soon at STONEGATE, UNCLE THURMs and THE can't miss.....Come on out, it's always fun and amazing...BLUZZZ-Y....sassy, with funk jazz and rock thrown in for good measure at times.....WOW.
. Well, let's see...who's onstage with Shell anyway?...her SASS guys...namely... There's that song writing guy....STEVE MERRIAM on guitar and vocals, ANDRE THOMAS....all recovered and feeling great on drums /vocals., and, of course, my hubby STEVE BARTLETT ON BASS/vocals. I'm always round close too...watching, reporting and taking some photos, while tellng you all the good stuff that's happening...BUT wait, the best part....I get to hang around all these cool people and music....WOW...and, all the time. I'll post 'Angel From Montgomery' below....O.K? Jan.
PHOTO CREDIT: The photo was taken by MERRI PETERSON SUTTON,fall of 2014 in Tacoma, WA. Used with permission by STEVE MERRIAM/SASS link above
Guys....We gotta go now, I'll finish links etc. tomorrow. O.K? Jan
1.] ANGEL FROM MONTGOMERY, by Susan Tedeschi,, by Mariam Abrahamyan
MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone ....
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Bartlett, by J.A.Rose-Bartlett cc |
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SASS/used with permission/see photo credits |
Monday, December 14, 2015
Jammin Tonight With Some 'Feel Good' JAMES BROWN and DUKE ELLINGTON
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cliff 1066 [TM] cc, see link |
So, BARTLETT's working up some tunes that maybe called off tonight...mainly some JAMES BROWN and DUKE ELLINGTON. Never know what'll happen at the jam on Monday Nights, anything from Jazz to Funk, to Rock, to Country, etc....all levels, all styles....All are welcome...bring your axe and join the fun.
Anyway, I 'll post some video links below, as well as some cool stuff about James Brown from one of my earlier stories about him. O.K?Here goes.....Jan
Every week there seems to be different folks at the jam....Here's who is gonna be there....KEVIN CHRISTENSEN/drums, DENNY FOREMAN/guitar, STEVE BARTLETT ON BASS, as far as I know....there's a cool SAX guy named JOE, BOB/drummer, KEVIN/another drummer...some guitar people, harp guy, singers too.
Let me post some Duke Ellington here...
1.] TAKE THE A TRAIN, by Duke Ellington, by harryoakley
2.] CARAVAN, by Duke Ellington, by Roger rogerjazzfan
3.] GOING FISHING, by Duke Ellington, done by Doctor John, by im4out again
From my story on December 19, 2013...about JAMES BROWN...
'Each morning, as we drink our coffee, Steve reads to me...and we both learn about something new, usually about music or things of the's another special time together, along with our rehearsing tunes ... getting Steve ready for gigs.
This morning, BARTLETT picked up 'The Music Lesson' a book by VICTOR WOOTEN/bass and HERE. He's one of our favorite bass guys. Steve recomends this book to all his students and we both really enjoy it too. Steve BARTLETT ON BASS started reading to me on the bottom of page 105, [just in case you want to look this up too.] AND, I will look for some more info. online 'cause this is very interesting to me.....Did you know, that after Rev. Dr. MARTIN LUTHER KING jr.'s assination in 1968, PRESIDENT JOHNSON and other government officals called upon the king of soul JAMES BROWN to help stop and to prevent spreading black rioting in Boston and across the whole country? After that, James Brown said that he was considered " the most dangerous man in the world" by the government because...'cause if he could stop a riot, he could start one...just as easily...WOW.,.. and the government kept files on many musicians, like BOB MARLEY and HERE, JIM MORRISON, ELVIS PRESLEY and HERE just because of their influence on the folks in this country.
O.K....I founds some more info. about James Brown and his ability to influence and calm folks back in 1968, after King's assination on YOUTUBE. One is called 'The Night James Brown Saved Boston' from jackhogan1 . This is all the page says: " Uploaded on Nov 24, 2008" I'll post more video links below. O.K? Jan
Photo credit above... CLIFF1066...HERE
I'll post more video links below. O.K? Jan
1.] EFFECT LIVE AT THE BOSTON GARDEN, APRIL 5, 1968, from James Brown
Saturday, December 12, 2015
"Wild Women Don't Get the Blues"...Oh Yea They Do
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photo and this flyer by me.. J.A.Rose-Bartlett cc 2010 |
Well, the tune brought back memories to me, [Jan again] like music often does. I remember when Steve did this tune with CARA CLARKE-POWERS, when he was in the band called 'BE HEAR'...remember? Here's more info....IDA COX was an awesome black blues singer that reached her peak in the 1920s, performing in extraganza stage shows in the1920s and 30s. Her audience were mostly Southern ladies, that loved her wit and urban blues style, making her very successful and popular. She was born in Georgia in 1896 and died in 1967 in Tennessee. and, as I was saying earlier, I first heard of IDA COX, when my STEVE BARTLETT ON BASS played in the band BE HEAR, which featured the amazing CARA CLARKE-POWERS doing the blues vocals. STEFAN ABUAN was the guitarist, KEVIN CHRISTENSEN joined later on drums. Cara kindly asked me to join this band, and I happily played the computer keyboard for awhile. SMILE.....until I realized, it was really a lot of hard work, took a lot of my time AND I was expected to do it all for FREE, not like the other band members, who all got paid plus food/drinks etc. at all the gigs. I sadly quit in a big huff [when I 'woke up' watching the rest of the band with food and drink after a show...and,.I was hungry and thinking of eating a stranger's cold half eatened spell? plate of food..never understood why I didn't just ask for a plate, but...didn't. DARN IT Anyway. Had to ask myself 'How unworthy can I get?], I sure do miss Cara, we had become great friends. She is not in the area any more as far as I know. Love you Cara Clarke, go hear her if you have a chance, she's awesome'll enjoy yourself.. Her family's in Chicago...perhaps she's over there. :-[ I know, I know Cara....'Wild Woman Don't Get The we Cara? ...Miss you.' Jan] Cara sang 'Wild Woman Don't Get The Blues' by IDA COX sung here by Reed. Jan
Old photos below....
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Kevin and Steve by me, J.A.Rose-Bartlett cc |
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Cara Clarke-Powers by me, J.A.Rose-Bartlett cc |
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BE HEAR by unknown 2009 |
It's CHRISTMASTIME, and Time For Godspell's 'ALL GOOD GIFTS'..Let's Celebrate All Life
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see photo credit below |
The local churches in Yelm are having their Christmas celebrations and Steve is honored to be a part of that, playing with several of them and their choirs this month.
Today, we're working up some of their Christmas selections. I'll post some video links below. O.K? Jan
PHOTO CREDIT: Go HERE for Credits.
1.] ALL GOOD GIFTS, by Godspell's...The New Broadway Cast, by boowah5
2.] ALEGRIA, ALEGRIA, ALEGRIA, by Villiancico con voz, by PONTEVEDRATV
3.] A CHILD IS BORN, by Rihanna, by MultiSkuxxMaori's channel
Benefit @ UNCLE SAMs Last Night
O.K. BIG Benefit at UNCLE SAMs BAR and GRILL in Spanaway, WA. We were there My iPad was on low battery, so couldn't take pictures like usual...please forgive me. Jan
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by J.A.Rose-Bartlett cc |
Tuesday, December 08, 2015
Powerful Jam....And, the Winners Are?
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Foreman, Christensen and Bartlett, by J.A.Rose-Bartlett cc |
More photos below and video links....
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Plemmons,, and Christensen, by J.A.Rose-Bartlett cc |
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Bartlett on Bass, by J.A.Eose-Bartlett cc |
1.] BRICK HOUSE, by The Commadores, byIMPEACH OBAMA NOW!!!!
2.] PLAY THAT FUNKY MUSIC, by Wild Cherry, by Todistmeinleben
3.] LET's STAY TOGETHER, by Al Green, by maoriSHooRTiie
Wednesday, December 02, 2015
Cool Old Video of BARTLETT With BARONI From 2010
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Michael Harrison, Steve Bartlett, by J.A.Rose-Bartlett cc |
Tuesday, December 01, 2015
Well I'm Going to Tell, What's Next?...SASS at DAWSONs and More Jammin
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SASS, unknown/see photo credits |
Members of SASS are, of course, the beautiful [and very BLUZZZY, I might add.]....Ms. SHELLY ELY on 'lead' vocals. STEVE MERRIAM, song writer extrodinaire [spell?], guitar/vocals and all around good guy. Next in this fantastic line up, there's ANDRE THOMAS/drums and vocals....who's resting quietly at home after surgery....MATT WILLIAMS/drums was filling in for Andre on Saturday, and.....STEVE BARTLETT ON BASS/vocals Heck, they ALL sing...[Shelly's best, so...she's called the LEAD vocalis, [she's sassy-est too]..but,.all those other guys are really busy doing the instrument, they're cool.
Next, Steve BARTLETT ON BASS has been 'jammin' on Monday nights with his old friend KEVIN CHRISTENSEN/drums. DENNY FOREMAN's doing some very tasty jazz guitar/vocals on Mondays. , I hear lots of funky soul blues, from the group. It's a jam.....all levels, all types of music welcome...they do it all. Even Kevin, we all found out ....Kevin likes to sing...well, so, I'm sure we'll be hearing more from him. Bring your axe and join in. This is happening in Spanaway, UNCLE SAMs on Pacific Ave, starts around 7 pm. Address: 16003 Pacific Ave. exactly. We met the new owners of Uncle Sam's last night. They're fine folks, that have some exciting plans for the place. Cool. Jan..... I'm doing this on my iPad, in the car, waiting for my dear Steve to finish the laundry....what a man! I'll have to put links, photos etc. on with the BIG Computer when we get home. Jan UPDATED: Wednesday December 2 nd, 2015. JaN
PHOTO CREDITS: Well, I just don't remrmber folks....It might be my photo,'s so good, and I never noticed it before...that I question that, LARRY COLLIER and RANDY GRAY do alotta pics of this group. DEBI LAWRENCE does some nice shots...check them out and if I learn more I'll post it right away. O.K? Jan
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My Spelling?? Thanks For Understanding

Photo by by billsaturno cc click to link, A note 'bout my spelling... I'm typing as fast as I can with one finger on one hand, and trying to make sense and everything. I haveave to look at the keyboard, NOT the see where ALL those letters are, and my nect won't bend or turn...whoops, that's NECK, not 'nect'. Please, forgive me and give me a little 'LEE-way' [spell?]...Thanks, Jan SMILE
We Respect Others Rights, Jan and Steve
Please Note: Portions of this work contain the intellectual property of third party authors and contributors. As such, third party authors and contributors retain all copyrights in the individual works and reserve all rights not specifically granted herein
The Truth

Thanks Dick Metcalf, image by unknown cc
WHAT's HAPPENING? My Updated Event List. If unconfirmed gigs please call first. Jan
- HEATHER JONES..Monday Night Jam at DAWSONS
- JEFF WALLACE.With The Motors and Jerry Miller
- JERRY MILLER.. Uncle Sam's, Thursdays
- LINDA MYERS BAND..Wednesday Jam at Dawson's
- SASS....nothing this week
- STEVE BARTLETT..BARTLETT ON BASS Jazz Jam, July 18th, Monday night, 7 pm
- UNCLE SAMs....Bartlett On BASS jazz jam on Monday nights, 7 pm
We Respect Others Rights, Jan and Steve
Please Note: Portions of this work contain the intellectual property of third party authors and contributors. As such, third party authors and contributors retain all copyrights in the individual works and reserve all rights not specifically granted herein
Want Your Gig Info Published Here?

If you're a musician, band or club owner in my area, and want your live music event included on my BARTLETT ON BASS. Please send your gig info. at for review. I will review and post the very best gigs and live music events in the area. Thanks for reading BARTLETT ON BASS and supporting live music. ' T. Jan'...JA ROSE-BARTLETT.
Blog Archive
- Get Your New Year On....With SASS Tonight at STON...
- SASS @ DAWSONs Photo
- Let's Party On....With SASS Celebrating is Never O...
- Get the Groove On...SASS's Day After Christmas Day...
- Music News: SASS Day After Christmas Party @ DAWSO...
- CHRISTMAS Angel From Shell's Tonight....MERRY CHRI...
- Jammin Tonight With Some 'Feel Good' JAMES BROWN a...
- "Wild Women Don't Get the Blues"...Oh Yea They Do
- It's CHRISTMASTIME, and Time For Godspell's 'ALL G...
- Benefit @ UNCLE SAMs Last Night
- Powerful Jam....And, the Winners Are?
- Cool Old Video of BARTLETT With BARONI From 2010
- Well I'm Going to Tell, What's Next?...SASS at DAW...
All Work..No Play?....Never...Jan

by tamakisono cc.

BY Pierre-Olivier CC
About me....T. Jan Rose
- T. Jan Rose , Web Manager
- Yelm, Washington, United States
- I [T. Jan] share and review web sites with music, recipes and gardening information. I have been a mother, wife, nurse, apartment manager, chimney sweep, long distance runner, musician, artist, organic gardener and, A student of the GREAT WORK at R.S.E. Jan does the computer, Steve plays the bass and doesn't speak computer....but Jan doesn't speak, this works out well for us...Jan writes about music news, and this area's music events. The postings are all mine., . We share ideas about posts. Jan loves to create beautiful blogs to share ideas and keep my brain active, recovering from M.S. and other things. Jan always operate the computer, ..AND, all posts signed by Steve are in his exact words, and All our Sites licensed under Creative Commons. T. Jan.... Steve says..." I love animals, gardening, kids, music, nature and fishing.. A student of R.S.E. Really like being in nature and living simply. Enjoy teaching electric bass. Enjoy our sites." Steve.