by South Sound Blues Association, see link |
Last night, was exciting...lotsa great BLUZZZ, bands, smiles, dancing, prizes...and blues lovers from all over this area.
We got to
JAZZBONES in Tacoma early ['bout 5ish]....since
SASS wasn't scheduled to be on stage 'til 8:45 or so. We knew there would be plenty of great music happening...and, we were right...Steve kept saying 'it's just music, we're all winners'...you know,silly stuff like that...he was' too friendly'...smiling too wide, talking to fast, clapping too loud, patting everyone in the back too much, as they walked by, checking the car,the bathroom, the menu, the drinks. this, that,..everything several times etc. So, I knew this was important to him and he was more than his usual nervous....like every wife knows after a few years.
Finally, SASSs time slot was here....everyone climbed onstage....there was NO 'sass-ing'from Ms
SHELLY ELY...what??....the BLUZZZ and sass Queen of this known universe?....WOW, this IS different....BUT, of course folks, we all havta look at the 'tiny' fact....that 'I', yes, I may have been really nervous myself and Steve and Shell were both fine...???....don't know ?
I was sitting right up front on the dance floor near the stage.....the only place my walker plus chair from home would fit....and not be in anyone's way.
SASS started ...I grabbed my jamming iPad camera and tryied to take some photos ....people were dancing, getting in my way, and NOTnoticing me working there [I'm a BIG lady too, and kinda funny-lookin, in a chair or wheelchair with walker taking photos with an iPad,...can't miss me usually Jan] So, that tells me that the music was GOOD....all iIcan remember is that the set went fast and was kinda a big blurrrrrr.
GARY GRAPE, leader of the
SOUTH SOUND BLUES ASSOCIATION announced the 'winners' or those folks who would go on to round two...held on the 4th of July were.....pause........
THE LINDA MYERS BAND, ....pause..... 2.]
CD WOODBURY ...... ....pause.....3.]
KING KOM B EAUX.......and..........pause...................[seems like forever]......,,,,,, SASS......'Whew'
Steve told me he was really happy that they'd won, see...what'd I tell ya?.... none of that silly stuff about everybpdy's a winner.... I knew he was nercous .
Boy, was I happy, relieved and relaxed too......'Whew'...yesterday was a cool day for sure.. Jan
My photos below...
SASS by JA Rose-Bartlett cc |
SASS by JA Rose-Bartlett cc |