Well, THE BLUE BOTTLE CAFE's in Yelm is gone. No music there.
---------------------Steve went by CLARK's BAR AND GRILL at the Tahoma Valley Golf Course in Yelm a few times this week folks...A Big ZERO, no cars in the parking lot or anything. What happened? Where are those guys? We haven't heard anything for two weeks now. If anyone knows...give me a call and I'll [Jan] post it. So, no music there.
Next...SHELLY ELY's JAM's tonight [Sunday] 10/31 at UNCLE SAM's BAR AND GRILL in Spanaway. Yeah! Music starts around 7 pm gos until 10 pm. She said on FACEBOOK that TERRY JAE/bass and DYLAN LANNY ENGLAND/drums will be there. JHO BLENIS/guitar is a maybe..he was not feeling well eariler this week...[he said on FACEBOOK] and Shell didn't say if he'd be there. Shelly always has great players at her jam. These are world class musicians. Go tonight to UNCLE SAM's for a cold beer and some fun. Address 16003 Pacific Ave. Spanaway WA. 253-507-7808. Now, remember this next Thursday night too at UNCLE SAM's BAR AND GRILL... 7 pm for THE JERRY MILLER BAND. The members of this band are Jerry Miller/guitar, Denny Foreman/guitar, Dave Erwin/bass, Jeff Wallace/keyboard/violin, Allen Heath/drums, and Russ Harris/congas/harp. KATHY AND JEFF WALLACE told me.."Be on hand for the best tacos , beer, blues jamming and motorcycles in the land!". 'Now, that's cool.' says...Jan.
And, next Saturday night, hear ROD COOK /TOAST at UNCLE SAM's. They do not have a time posted so, call first... 253-507-7808. Great musicians. I [Jan] recommend them. So, especially if you're in Tacoma, Spanaway, Graham area this is really easy to get to.
Now, LIQUID SOUL COFFEE ROASTERS in McKenna host an OPEN MIC every Thursday evening at 6 pm. All levels of musicians are welcome. They are have beer, wine and great fresh roasted coffee. Fantastic sandwiches, salads, pastries and soups. They are located at the McKenna 'Y' behind BAYDOS. Phone 360/400-soul.
Next Saturday, November 6th at 8 pm THE MARTIN SALINAS BAND will be performing at 'Liquid Soul'. Have not confirmed the members of this group. Please call 360/400-soul and check and I'll post it too when I get the news.
And WILLOUGHBY's RESTAURANT AND LOUNGE in Yelm. Nothing's been reported [karaoke or live music] for this week.
Now, my [Jan] music news. I posted my 'Local Live Music News' HERE earlier this week. Telling the world that these posts are mine alone and MAY NOT BE my husband's or the musicians' that my husband plays with views. WOW. What a reaction!! My web visits jumped up from around 50 a day to over 200 visits a day...many people coming back more than once. Welcome people. My name's Jan and my husband's Steve Bartlett. He plays an excellent bass guitar. That's what I talk about here and I post other fun music things that I find online.-------------------
If you're a musician, band or club owner in my area, and want your live music event included on my Live Music Report. Please send your gig info. at bartlettonbass@aol.com for review. I will review and post the very best gigs and live music events in the area Thanks for reading my report and supporting live music. 'Jan'...JA ROSE-BARTLETT.