from Wikipedia cc |
JOE COCKER 70, [photo link], and
HERE died from lung cancer recently...[December 22ND]. He was a brave unique soul and taught me and Steve many things...I'm gonna list some of them and explain too. We love him AND this is some of the reasons why.
But, as you can see it's late and I must get to bed now...will finish this tomorrow. O. K? Jan
UPDATED: December 31st, 2014
O.K., Today as I gathered my thoughts about Cocker, I remembered my very first impression of him...'OMG, What's wrong with him?' Well, that just goes to show that 'I' don't know everything....sometimes I'm pretty downright ignorant. NOTHING's wrong with him. He's just not me and I didn't understand that then. Now, I understand that he had a problem with alcohol, and don't laugh with
JOHN BALUSHI's. Here's John Baluchi, Joe Cocker doing '
Feeling Alright' [thanks
neoandrea] impression of Joe Cocker's strange physical movements when he sang. NO, I don't laugh at Cocker any more, neither does the rest of the world.
He was an unique musical artist, and with his different sounding voice, strange 'dance' and touching covers of famous stars songs [Beattles, for one] as well as his own tunes, many written by one of my favorites
LEON RUSSELL [several of those covers becoming more popular than the original artist's tune, by the way.] Cocker added greatly to music and the arts and deserves our respect and thanks. Thank you Joe.
Yes, I've learned more kindness and understanding with the help of Joe Cocker. Also, I saw a couragaous [spell] man, continuing on AND doing what 'HE' loved even when the rest of the world laughed and pointed in a better- than attitude because he wasn't like everyone else. THAT gave me [Jan] the courage to do this blog about what I really love [of course, MUSIC] even when the Doctors said it couldn't be done and some folks asked me to quit and just leave everything alone...'Go away, they said. BUT, how could I? MUSIC was my life, I just didn't quit because others didn't like what I did. AND, also I had my Steve's support...'Thank you, Sweetheart' and you too Mr. Joe Cocker for standing up for everyone's right to be themselves in peace. 'It's O.K. to do it my way.'
And, another story about JOE COCKER. This time it involves BARTLETT.
In the 70's Steve and his first wife Julie were in a band in Spokane, Washington. They were playing at
THE DAVENPORT HOTEL in downtown Spokane.
Now, as Steve says it 'Julie was quite a looker, or very,very pretty. She's out front sings and plays the keyboard. Joe Cocker and his crew came into the motel and, of course, they ended up jamming with Steve and Julie. WOW. Julies told Steve later that 'Joe wanted to kiss her, but she wouldn't let him.' She never let Steve forget that....'Joe wanted to kiss me', and she wouldn't let him.
So, now Steve's with me...'thank you Julie and Joe Cocker'. AND, yes...if Mr. Cocker wanted to kiss ME...the answer would always be....'YES, of course Mr. Cocker....then, I'd kiss Steve too, real fast. Wink, Jan
Below video links of JOE COCKER'S from YOUTUBE.
FEELIN ALRIGHT, by Joe Cocker, Ron Wood, Eric Clapton, by
joe cocker Orkut
joe cocker Orkut
UNCHAIN MY HEART, by Joe Cocker, by
Andranik-Mihran Hayrapetyan
THE LETTER, by Joe Cocker, Leon Russell, by
LEAVE YOUR HAT ON, by Joe Cocker, by
Andranik-Mihran Hayrapetyan
DELTA LADY, by Joe Cocker, by