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Monday, August 11, 2014

Can't Hold It In Much Longer...What's Up Now??

Michael Harrison/drummer, by J.A.Rose-Bartlett cc
I've been offline for over a week...WOW...what's happened anyway?
Well, Steve's been working a cool day job...Dry Wall in North Tacoma. Well, that explains it all, doesn't it? No more 'holding MY breath' and hoping to get online....oh, that reminds me of these cool SEALECT TUNA/CHICKEN OF THE SEA commecials that I saw one o these online [FACEBOOK] last week and I'll post several of them  below, that I found on YOUTUBE today.
And, what's happened musically in the past week, with BARTLETT and in the world? Well, I'm gonna tell ya. In the world...the world is in shock....about the tragic news o ROBIN WILLIAM's death today, go HERE....I will report on this in the next post.
Of course, Steve's played with several cool musicians in this area in the past week....check them all out below. We also met a cool 'Heavy MetaL' band from Spokane, WA. in the past week, called.THIRION X
 Thirion X played at UNCLE SAM's BAR AND GRILL in Spanaway, WA. last Friday, August 8th...WOW. They had a gig on Saturday too, the 9th in Fife, WA....then rest up back in Spokane.
I'd never heard a live 'Heavy Metal' before...the music was intense and powerful...what a show...HEAVY METAL fans will be delighted with this!. Everyone at Uncle Sam's were cheering and loving it all....AND we are ...well, 'er'  mostly from a diFFerent generation than these young wipersnappers....AND we really enjoyed ourselves, So,. I've posted Thirion X's upcoming shows on the link above AND will tell my family in 'Ol Spokalou'....[Spokane]...go out and support, check out and have a good time with these amazing guys. BARTLETT has never played 'Heavy Metal' and thought it would be lotsa fun, thought, maybe he'd been missing out on something good, after watching the band. We'll be sure to keep an eye on this group of
Well, you might ask...'why were we at Uncle Sam's last Friday?'   Steve BARTLETT ON BASS was honored to play again with JOSEPH PLEMMONS/guitar/vocals, DEB STONE/keys/vocals and DON YOUNG/drums in Plemmon's band called 'STRANGE PLEASURE'.
O.K.,...Let's see, now...What else has been happening?
There was a gig in Olympia, WA, 518 Capital Way S. [check out their location in Yelm too] at 'LA GITANA PIZZA on Saturday, August 9th with THE 'C' NOTES'. That's PAT COLE/guitar/vocals, JOHN CARLETON/lead vocals/guitar , and a wonderul mandolin player named Glen, who sat in. Of course, Steve BARTLETT was ON BASS. tThe place was packed
Our friend and drummer from the band 'Eclipse', MICHAEL HARRISON came down for a bite to eat and hada listen...a cool surprise For us.. Good to see you Michael and his Shelly too
'Shelly'?...How's Shelly?  That reminds me oF our BLUZZZ QUEEN Friend SHELLY ELY, There was no time to jam or anything with Shell in the past week..... Well, soon, miss you SHELL..
There's lotsa music coming up, and rehearsals in the past week that DID happen..
Like, for JAZZ LOVERS; 'THE DON COHEN JAZZ QUARTET' with BARTLETT ON BASS, DON COHEN/vocals, DAVEN TILLENHAST/guitar and MARK STOUT/trombone will be at THE PIG BAR, address 619 Legion Way, S.E., in Olympia thisThursday night, August 14th [starts at 8 o'clock]. Don't miss this.
We'll be seeing 'ESP' or Eclectic Soul Project .... LAMONT ATKINSON/drums/vocals,, RON ROSENBAUM/guitar/vocals and AMY DOWNING/vocals soon too.
Enjoy these funny commercials from SEALECT TUNE/CHICKEN OF THE SEA and I'll post some tune links too. I'm so glad I can be myself and not hold it all in to be accepted by anyone anymore. WHEW, letting it ALL hang out,, Jan
Here's a copy o the first commurcial that I saw on FACEBOOK. It's called 'unny SealectTuna commercial' [thanks Kanaal van Nashwangirl]. This is all the video page says: " Uploaded on Nov 16, 2007
Funny Low Fat Sealect Tuna commercial, Thailand".

.1.] SEALECT TUNA commercials, by Dayse Carneiro...several commercials here.

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Want Your Gig Info Published Here?

Want Your Gig Info Published Here?
If you're a musician, band or club owner in my area, and want your live music event included on my BARTLETT ON BASS. Please send your gig info. at for review. I will review and post the very best gigs and live music events in the area. Thanks for reading BARTLETT ON BASS and supporting live music. ' T. Jan'...JA ROSE-BARTLETT.

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About me....T. Jan Rose

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Yelm, Washington, United States
I [T. Jan] share and review web sites with music, recipes and gardening information. I have been a mother, wife, nurse, apartment manager, chimney sweep, long distance runner, musician, artist, organic gardener and, A student of the GREAT WORK at R.S.E. Jan does the computer, Steve plays the bass and doesn't speak computer....but Jan doesn't speak, this works out well for us...Jan writes about music news, and this area's music events. The postings are all mine., . We share ideas about posts. Jan loves to create beautiful blogs to share ideas and keep my brain active, recovering from M.S. and other things. Jan always operate the computer, ..AND, all posts signed by Steve are in his exact words, and All our Sites licensed under Creative Commons. T. Jan.... Steve says..." I love animals, gardening, kids, music, nature and fishing.. A student of R.S.E. Really like being in nature and living simply. Enjoy teaching electric bass. Enjoy our sites." Steve.