Giving Credit Where Credit's Due

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Friday, January 02, 2015

Thanks...Full House New Years Eve....SASS at STONEGATE or 'Do You Have Some Socks? I'm Cold'

see photo credit
Well, O.K. the report.... SASS's gig at STONEGATE PIZZA AND RUM BAR on New Year's Eve was SO fine....WOW. Party-iers [spell?] just everywhere. upstairs, downstairs, coming out our ears all over the place. AND, Shelly what a trouper....singing that amazing powerful BLUZZZ of hers with an injury even, she deserves hazard pay that's all. Couldn't tell could ya? Well, of course not, 'The show must go on' and all that kinda stuff. SASS are the all very cool professional- type musicians that we can ALL count on for a great show, Every matter what[period]. NO, I'm not gonna tell anyone the gory story 'bout SHELL's injury You'll just have to ask her about that.
Anyway, 'Thanks Everyone for supporting this band.' and 'Have A Great 2015'. O.K?
Now, more Drama....Yep, you guessed it...there was even more excitement on New Years Eve than Steve and I had expected....Here goes.
Well, we got home...well almost home 'round 3 am. AND, our neighbor's house was on fire....ON FIRE?!! YEP, that's right, on fire. There were fire trucks,  fire men and women everywhere, fire hoses ALL over. AND, they were all very busy and said it would be several 'HOURS' 'til they could let us get by them and go all the way home.
At 5 am, we were still waiting, on the street in our car. It was COLD....'bout 20 degrees out. My legs/feet are swelling, bladder full, and I'm cold. Steve always pumped up after a gig...and this one such a good one...was 'just doing great, thank you'. Show off. SMILE.
When a kind fireman appeared out of the cold dark fog...told us, it would stlll be awhile and started to leave. My hero, BARTLETT ON BASS, with compassion in his big blue eyes, explained MY situation to this wonderful fireman 
This fireman disappeared again into the cold and shortly returned with the news that they had cleared the road just for me....and we could go home.... then, he said sofely 'Do you have any socks?....explaining that our neighbor had lost EVERYTHING, he'd barely got outta his house alive, AND, was cold. 'Do we have any socks?' The RED CROSS would help him tomorrow, but he was cold tonight.
Well, of course, Steve took off his socks, gave them to the fireman with a warm sweat shirt we had in the car. 'thanks' said the fireman. We drove home. We wjsh our neighbor well. Thank you RED CROSS and that kind fireman who appeared outta the dark, cold fog.  
SASS will be at STONEGATE again 2 more times in January. Check it out. That's all. Jan

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Want Your Gig Info Published Here?

Want Your Gig Info Published Here?
If you're a musician, band or club owner in my area, and want your live music event included on my BARTLETT ON BASS. Please send your gig info. at for review. I will review and post the very best gigs and live music events in the area. Thanks for reading BARTLETT ON BASS and supporting live music. ' T. Jan'...JA ROSE-BARTLETT.

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About me....T. Jan Rose

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Yelm, Washington, United States
I [T. Jan] share and review web sites with music, recipes and gardening information. I have been a mother, wife, nurse, apartment manager, chimney sweep, long distance runner, musician, artist, organic gardener and, A student of the GREAT WORK at R.S.E. Jan does the computer, Steve plays the bass and doesn't speak computer....but Jan doesn't speak, this works out well for us...Jan writes about music news, and this area's music events. The postings are all mine., . We share ideas about posts. Jan loves to create beautiful blogs to share ideas and keep my brain active, recovering from M.S. and other things. Jan always operate the computer, ..AND, all posts signed by Steve are in his exact words, and All our Sites licensed under Creative Commons. T. Jan.... Steve says..." I love animals, gardening, kids, music, nature and fishing.. A student of R.S.E. Really like being in nature and living simply. Enjoy teaching electric bass. Enjoy our sites." Steve.