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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

'Strawberry Fields Forever'...NO DRUGS, NO WAY, NO HOW

by unknown flickr cc
We know, drugs are so common-place and becoming more and more acceptable today..BUT, here's some of OUR reasons we're BOTH against this 'pro-pot' movement spreading across our country. AND, we're NOT gonna judge you or tell you what to do with your life. That's your business...but first, let us tell our story. OK? 
O.K. Folks...let's get down to the cold hard truth. We were teenagers in the '60's and young adults in the '70's...and have seen first hand what pain and damage drugs can do....NO WAY do we condone any 'street' drugs. AND yes, we were STUPID hippies once and smoked enough of that stuff [' WOW  NO CALORIES...YEA!...Thought I'...T. Jan], THAT's why we NOW realize our lives could/ would have been a lot better and easier today if we had known better back then and just said 'NO'!...SO, we're a lot older and wiser now. Thank Goodness. So, NO DRUGS for us is what we both say...AND, we will NOT promote EVENTS that promote the use of Street Drugs.!
But look, as anyone can plainly see, in our own lives today, Drugs have greatly effected our mental and physical conditions, making our lives more difficult... just look at us will ya?....DRUGS....That's those sneaky recreational type drugs that I'm talking about...Made our lives a lot more difficult and CAN KILL PEOPLE too. People we loved, folks that we miss all the time...and, wish with everything in us .. could have another chance...P-L-E-A-S-E, G-O-D, P-L-E-A-S-E!
Drugs have killed or contributed to the death of several our loved ones [friends and family] over the years.
Here's some examples: Steve's ex....DONNA, confined to a wheelchair, killed herself, after using marijuana for pain and 'health' reasons. Click HERE. My ex...ERNIE, yes, exposed to AGENT ORANGE [ another 'drug' that was 'approved' of by the powers that be, without caring about the long-term effects of REAL people and their families ] in Viet Nam [where drugs were just everywhere, by the way] was put into a nursing home at age 47, he could NOT take care of himself anymore. Died last October at young age of 64. I'm sure drug use did NOT help his condition. Go HERE.
We've had relatives and friends put behind bars for selling this stuff...that's for years...NO WAY will we change our minds.
AND, there's even MORE effects those above that I [T. Jan] won't go into now....about our own personal lives...physical, mental, financial, psychologicalour emotional well being, being respected, included, or even understood, by our families and others that are important to us,...really, the former-innocent looking use of marijuana in the '70's has effected ALL aspects of our lives today, and in a negative way....Just REMEMBER, we ALL gotta have a brain, and, once it's gone or damaged...just what you gonna do? or can you do? You'll need a brain to do anything about anything. It's just too late then. 
Many very talented musicians that we loved, and Steve played with...just slowly and quietly faded away...and stopped playing as the drugs became more important than their music....what a crying shame, a real crying shame... yep...we could cry a million tears. NO.. We won't tell you what to do,....No, just hope our story will make some people pause a minute or two and think ....' are you going to let our society's uneducated acceptance of pot and other drugs, sway you into accepting this and then risking your own life or your family's well being?' The end. T. Jan...and remember Steve reads all I write, before I post it.
If you want to read more about the many and sometimes surprising effects of chemicals/drugs etc. on our bodies and nervous systems, please read BRUCE HANEY's well thought out book....'BRAIN FOG'. Info  HERE.....Buy this book on AMAZON, HERE..
Found this on YOUTUBE...'Steppenwolf' doing THE PUSHER.

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About me....T. Jan Rose

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Yelm, Washington, United States
I [T. Jan] share and review web sites with music, recipes and gardening information. I have been a mother, wife, nurse, apartment manager, chimney sweep, long distance runner, musician, artist, organic gardener and, A student of the GREAT WORK at R.S.E. Jan does the computer, Steve plays the bass and doesn't speak computer....but Jan doesn't speak, this works out well for us...Jan writes about music news, and this area's music events. The postings are all mine., . We share ideas about posts. Jan loves to create beautiful blogs to share ideas and keep my brain active, recovering from M.S. and other things. Jan always operate the computer, ..AND, all posts signed by Steve are in his exact words, and All our Sites licensed under Creative Commons. T. Jan.... Steve says..." I love animals, gardening, kids, music, nature and fishing.. A student of R.S.E. Really like being in nature and living simply. Enjoy teaching electric bass. Enjoy our sites." Steve.