In the 70's, Steve performed in many Seattle area clubs. Two of the bands he performed with can be found on PACIFIC NORTHWEST BANDS... See GOOD BLESSING and CHEESEBURGER DELUXE. When He told me [Jan] that in CHEESEBURGER, he played 5 nights a week, every week, and, sometimes performing all 7 nights a week, that's 1972 to 1975...for three years.. That was his only job too, and of course, he loved it. There were plenty of gigs, he got paid very well and there were lots of live music news items to report. Well, I knew right then and there, things have really changed and I'd better too.
Now, I report over and over... 'no live music to report this week' on my Local live Music News Report, for several clubs and for many great musicians. Wastes my time and yours. Why? This is just plane silly to report that over and over again. So, why beat a dead horse? Yes, go with the flow, things are a changing out there and so am I....so, on with the new, I say..... I will start to adding to my report, starting next week...more local events....not just live music. OK? Not garage sales, you know, community events, stuff like that .....Let's go with the flow awhile and see what happens. I can always change again if needed OK? Cool. That is all....Oh yea...if you have any ideas for me to post or comments...whatever, Email me HERE . I'll post the best stuff. Thanks for your help. Jan
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